3. Фармация / Pharmacy: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 61
New aspects in the liquid chromatographic analysis of Capecitabine in samples of biological and non-biological origin // Нови аспекти в течнохроматографския анализ на Capecitabine в проби от биологичен и небиологичен произход
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)The treatment of malignancies is a serious challenge for the modern healthcare system. Evidence of this is the drastic increase in morbidity and mortality due to cancer globally (by 44% and 26%, respectively). On the other ... -
Synthesis and Characterization of Substituted Imidazole Derivatives with Potential Biological Effect // Синтез и охарактеризиране на заместени производни на имидазола с потенциален биологичен ефект
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)The antimicrobial agents were discovered more than 100 years ago. However, the struggle with bacterial agents continues at present. The development process of searching for new antimicrobial drugs include global research ... -
European Practices and Standards for Digital Forms of Continuing Education of Medical Professionals in The Field of Medicines Policy // Европейски практики и стандарти за дигитални форми на продължаващо обучение на медицински специалисти в сферата на лекарствената политика
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)Continuing education as a key element of lifelong learning becomes increasingly important in the modern globalized world as access to information is facilitated, and constantly upgraded digital methods of education strengthen ... -
New Aspects in the Analysis of Diltiazem-Loaded Polymeric Drug Delivery Systems // Нови аспекти в анализа на Diltiazem базирани полимерни лекарство-доставни системи
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)We focus on the analysis of contemporary drug delivery systems. The main object of the study is the drug Diltiazem (blocker of the L-type Ca2+ channels) and the newly synthesized Diltiazem-loaded Eudragit RS 100-based drug ... -
The Pharmacist's Role in Consulting Patients with Joint Diseases // Роля на магистър-фармацевта при консултиране на болни със ставни заболявания
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)The study examines the role of the master pharmacist in improving the physical condition of chronically ill patients with joint disease (osteoarthritis) through the application of individualized pharmaceutical care. Analyzing ... -
Screening and Functional Analysis of New Anti-Complement Autoantibodies in the Course of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus // Скрининг и функционален анализ на нови анти-комплементни автоантитела в хода на системен лупус еритематодес
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)The role of autoimmunity and the loss of immune tolerance to own proteins have a significant place in the current ideas about the aetiology and pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The disease is characterized ... -
Research on the Molecular Mechanisms of Sulfur-Containing Mineral Waters from the Varna Basin on Human Metabolism in Regards to Their Usage as a Drinking Remedy // Проучване на молекулните механизми на въздействие на сяросъдържащите минерални води от Варненския басейн върху човешкия метаболизъм с оглед използването им като лечебно питейно средство
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)The purpose of the present research was to study the effects of Varna mineral waters on human metabolism with respect to their potential usage as a drinking remedy. An 8 weeks human intervention study with mineral water ... -
Optical characteristics of wines: development of an express method for wines’ comparative identification and its application in practice // Изследване на оптичните характеристики на вина с цел разработване на експресен метод за тяхното сравнително идентифициране и приложението му в практиката
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)This study aims to investigate and determine the optical characteristics of wines by using the methods and means of applied photonics, to study their antioxidant properties as well as to establish the correlations between ... -
Identification, Analysis and Evaluation of Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamics Drug Interaction // Идентификация, анализ и оценка на фармакокинетични и фармакодинамични лекарствени взаимодействия
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)Идентификацията, анализът и оценката на лекарствени взаимодействия е от изключително важно значение в предклиничния етап при разработката и внедряването на нови лекарства. Всички нови лекарствени молекули, субстрати, ... -
Cardioprotective Effect of Lipid Emulsion on Acute Exogenous Drug Intoxications // Кардиопротективен ефект на липидна емулсия при остри екзогенни интоксикации с медикаменти
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)Acute drug intoxication is a major problem worldwide, with antidepressants, neuroleptics, and cardiovascular drugs being the most commonly overdosed drugs. Most of these do not have a specific antidote and cause serious ... -
Safety and Human Health Risk Assessment of Black Sea Mussels as a Food Resource // Безопасност и риск за здравето на човека от използването на черноморска мида като хранителен ресурс
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)Marine biotoxins (phytotoxins, algal toxins) are produced by some phytoplankton species, accumulate in mussels and can reach humans through the food chain. Marine biotoxins have been found to cause poisoning by the consumption ... -
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of SMAC-NT Peptide Conjugates with Combined Antineoplastic and Analgesic Effect // Синтез и биологична оценка на пептидни конюгати SMAC-NT с комбинирано антинеопластично и аналгетично действие
(2019)The rapidly increasing number of patients with neoplastic diseases and the high mortality rate among them put scientists and pharmacists in a situation of need for the development of a new, adequate treatment. In search ... -
Synthesis and Characterization of Bexarotene Derivatives with Potential Biological Activity // Получаване и охарактеризиране на бексаротенови производни с потенциална биологична активност
(2019)The dissertation deals with the preparation and characterization of the newly synthesized derivatives of the synthetic retinoid bexarotene. The continued and intensive study of the role of retinoids in the complex of ... -
Development of Sambucus Ebulus Fruit Anthocyanin-Enriched Fraction and Study of Its Biological Activity with Respect to Its Application as a Raw Material for Food and Medicinal Remedies Production // Получаване на богат на антоцианини екстракт от плодове на бъзак (Sambucus ebulus) и охарактеризиране на биологичната му активност с оглед използването му като суровина при производството на храни и лечебни средства
(2019)As a medicinal plant since ancient times, Sambucus ebulus has a long history as a part of traditional medicine, as well as in modern pharmacy. The extract and the resulting anthocyanin-rich fraction were characterized with ... -
Dermatoglyphic Study of Fingerprints and Palmar Prints of Breast Carcinoma Patients from Northeast Bulgaria // Медико-дерматоглифично изследване на пръстови и дланни изображения при жени с карцином на гърдата в Североизточна България
(2018)Modern models of dermatoglyphic traits are effectively used for investigation of breast cancer genetic basis and screening for this disease among the population at risk. Our objective is to identify the dermatoglyphic ... -
Pharmacotherapeutic Study, Potential Side and Toxic Effects of Cardioactive Drugs in the Treatment of Hospitalized Patients with Chronic Heart Failure /// Фармакотерапевтично проучване, потенциални странични и токсични ефекти на кардиоактивни медикаменти при лечение на хоспитализирани пациенти с хронична сърдечна недостатъчност
(Medical University of Varna, 2018)Систематизирани и обобщени са демографските данни и медикаментозното лечение на 535 хоспитализирани пациенти с диагноза хронична обострена сърдечна недостатъчност, със запазена (СНзФИ) и редуцирана фракция на изтласкване ... -
Association between vitamin D and androgen status in prostate diseases /// Връзка между витамин D и андрогенен статус при заболявания на простатата
(2018)[EN] The aim of this thesis is to determine and compare the vitamin D and androgenic status in men with benign prostate diseases and prostate cancer and study the relationships between androgens and vitamin D with clinical ... -
Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical Uses of Medicinal Plants from the Northern Black Sea Coastal Wetlands /// Биоразнообразие и приложение на лекарствените растения от Северно-Черноморските влажни зони в етноботаниката
(2017)Biodiversity studies on the medicinal plants in any given country is the first important step in carrying out resource-saving research on the conservation and rational use of this resource. Alongside this, it is the basis ... -
Study of Mutations and Expression of Genes Correlated to the Appearance of Colorectal Cancer /// Проучване на мутации и експресия на гени, корелиращи с изявата на колоректален карцином
(2017)The aim of the current study was to analyse the mutational profile of RAS oncogene correlated to the expression levels of genes related to energy metabolism, hypoxia and genomic stability, as well as the expression levels ... -
Determination of Toxic Chemical Contents in the Black Sea Marine Water , Sediment and Biota //// Определяне съдържанието на токсични химични елементи в системата вода-седимент- биота
(2017)[EN] Heavy metals in marine systems are a global problem, since continuous exposure of marine organisms to their low concentrations may result in bioaccumulation, and subsequent transfer to man through the food web (Mendil ...