2. Дентална медицина / Dental Medicine: Последно добавени
Показване на публикации 81-86 от 86
Iatrogenic Complications Due to Prosthetic Treatment with Partial and Complete Acrylic Dentures // Ятрогенни прояви при лечение със снемаеми частични и цели плакови протези
(2015)Iatrogenic complications due to prosthetic treatment with partial and complete acrylic dentures arc a serious problem for dentists. The variety of factors causing them complicates diagnosis. The most common complications ... -
Clinical and Functional Results in Lower Lip Reconstruction by the Karapandzic Method // Клинични и функционални резултати при пластика на долната устна по Karapandzic
(2006)[EN] The Karapandzic method is not familiar in Bulgarian practice. This thesis aims at its implementation as an independent method and in combination with other techniques for reconstruction of extensive post-resection ... -
Oral Cavity: A Biosystems and Potential Source of Infectious Material // Устната кухина – биосистема и възможен източник на инфекциозен материал
(2010)[EN] Oral Cavity is the main entry of microbial contamination, an environment breeding many pathogens and a habitat of different viruses. It’s the entrance to digestive tract and is often the subject of studies in dental ... -
Treatment options for patients with allergies to metals and metal composites - laboratory composite constructions on natural teeth and implants // Възможности за лечение на пациенти с алергии към метали и сплави, с конструкции от лабораторни композити върху естествени зъби и имплантати
(2007)Patients allergic to metals and metal compositions represent a serious challenge for the dentist. The heterogeneity of allergic reactions makes diagnostics and solution a complex task. Metal compositions for prosthetic ... -
Dental caries prophylaxis with photosensitizers (experimental, laboratory and clinical studies) // Профилактика на зъбния кариес с фотосенсибилизатори (експериментални, лабораторни и клинични изследвания)
(2015)[EN] Dental caries is a social, multietiological bacterially-mediated disease with significant consequences for the oral and the overall health of the human population. Diseases related to microbial biofilms are one of the ... -
Oral allergy syndrome as a manifestation of food allergy.// Орален алергичен синдром като проява на хранителна алергия
(2015)[EN] The dissertation “Oral allergy syndrome as a manifestation of food allergy” studies the orofacial manifestations of food allergy, clarifies the role of food allergens in the development of oral allergy syndrome, and ...