2. Дентална медицина / Dental Medicine: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 86
Assessment and Prevention of Caries Risk in Children with Some Kidney Diseases /// Оценяване и превенция на риска при деца, страдащи от някои бъбречни заболявания
(2014)[EN] The concept of the organism as an integrity of mechanisms and systems determines the prophylactic and treatment priorities regarding general health and oral dental status in child’s age. The aim of the present study ... -
Complex Oral Diagnosis of Children and Adolescents with Diabetes and Obesity /// Комплексна орална диагностика на деца и подрастващи със захарен диабет и затлъстяване
(2016)[EN] Correlations between diseases with metabolic disturbances and oral cavity state are carried out by means of various types of homeostasis (metabolic, immunological etc.), distortions of which lead to various diseases ... -
Fixed Partial Dentures of Co-Cr Alloys Using Additive Manufacturing //// Неснемаеми протезни конструкции от Co-Cr сплави, изработени чрез технологии с добавяне на материал
(2017)Depending on the clinical situation and patient's condition, the restoration of missing teeth is carried out in various ways. Treatment with Fixed Partial Dentures (FPD) ensures very good aesthetics, physiological transmitting ... -
Fluoride Varnishes for Prevention and Treatment of Initial Dental Caries in Children Aged 3 to 6 Years //// Профилактика и лечение на началния дентален кариес с флуорни лакове в детска възраст от 3 до 6 години
(2017)Dental caries is one of the most common oral diseases affecting people of all ages. Purpose of the study: To explore and assess the effectiveness of Clinpro White Varnish (CV) mineralized varnish after non-invasive treatment ... -
Factors Affecting the Primary Stability of the Intraosseous Screw Type Implants /// Фактори повлияващи първичната стабилност на интраосалните винтови имплантати
(2016)[EN] The aim of this study was to establish the influence of the implant design, diameter, length, thread pitch and surface modification on the primary stability and on the heat generation at the marginal bone area during ... -
Changes in the Oral Cavity and Common Diseases /// Промени в оралната среда и общи заболявания
(2016)Dentistry is not an isolated discipline but an integral part of general medicine. Pathological processes in the oral cavity have similar with other systems and organs flow characteristics bearing interdependence and bilateral ... -
Biological Concept for Implant Treatment of Completely Toothless Lower Jaw with Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses // Биологична концепция за имплантологично лечение на изцяло обеззъбена долна челюст с неснемаеми протезни конструкции
(2016)The thesis aims to confirm that during treatment of edentulous lower jaw with fixed implant-retained rigid prostheses, the mandibular flexure during function has a negative influence of the peri-implant bone, and along ... -
Periodontal Inflammatory Diseases in Children with Some Internal Diseases /// Възпалителни заболявания на пародонта при деца с някои вътрешни заболявания
(2015)[EN] Periodontal diseases (PD) are widespread globally. According to the WHO, they are presented as separate diseases of the gingiva, or inflammation around the periodontal complex, affecting between 50% and 90% of children ... -
Application of Dental Implants in a Reduced Volume of Available Bone // Приложение на дентални имплантати в условията на редуциран обем на наличната кост
(2015)[EN] This study comprises of eight retrospective studies on bone augmentations methods and alternative techniques. The reduced amount of bone available in toothless areas represents one of the main problems associated with ... -
Immediate Load of Axial and Tilted Dental Implants /// Имедиатно натоварване на аксиални и наклонени дентални импланти
(2014)[EN] Improvement of implant systems and treatment protocols lead to conceptual changes in dental implantology. An example is the relatively recent entry into practice of the art of prosthetics on tilted / angulated / ... -
Advantages of α-adrenomimetic Decongestants over Conventional Chemical Agents for Gingival Retraction in Order to Avoid Adverse Systemic Side Effects //// Предимства на алфа-адреномиметичните деконгестанти пред конвенционалните химични агенти за гингивална ретракция с цел избягване на нежелани системни странични ефекти
(2015)The present scientific research studies the possibilities of experimental substances for chemo-mechanical retraction of the gingival groove belonging to the group of α-adrenergic sympathomimetic decongestants. The effect ... -
Influence of the Type of Grating Materials on the Rate of Bone Regeneration in Sinus Floor Elevation with Lateral Approach and Deferred Placement of Implants /// Влияние на вида на костновъзстановителните материали върху темповете на костна регенерация при повдигане на синусния под с латерален достъп и отсрочено поставяне на имплантати
(2015)[EN] Maxillary sinus floor augmentation has been used for occlusal rehabilitation with prosthetic appliances installed over dental implants in the posterior maxilla despite the fact that this region often presents loss of ... -
Oral Health Status of Children with Thalassemia Major /// Орално здраве при деца с таласемия майор
(2016)[EN] In recent years the total number of thalassemia patients is increasing, so far total of 291 patients have a confirmed diagnosis, including cases of thalassemia major and thalassemia intermedia. Currently it is generally ... -
Treatment of Reversible Pulpitis of Primary Teeth /// Лечение на обратимо възпаление на пулпата на временни зъби
(2015)[EN] Over the past 20 years, scientists and paediatric dentistry specialists worldwide research and publish evidences for the huge protective abilities of the pulp of primary teeth and its potential for regeneration. ... -
Examination of the Masticatory Function in Experimental and Clinical Conditions /// Изследване на дъвкателната функция в експериментални и клинични условия
(2016)The topic of the quality of chewing food and its turning into a bolus is relevant as ever as it affects the subsequent masticatory stages and digestive processes. The interdisciplinary nature of the problem calls for the ... -
Clinical Implications of Certain Anatomical Variations and Pathological Findings in the Maxillary Sinus in Dental Implantology /// Клинично значение на някои анатомични вариации и патологични находки в максиларния синус за денталната имплантология
(2016)[EN] Most commonly the second molar penetrated into the maxillary sinus and could give rise to complications related to its extraction. In 16.25% of cases maxillary teeth penetrated into the maxillary sinus. In 77. 70% of ... -
Healing Processes of Periapical Endodontic Leasions after Retrograde Filling // Оздравителни процеси на периапикални възпалителни изменения от ендодонтски произход след ретроградно запълване
(2015)Endodontic surgery is an important part in the treatment of endodontic lesions. Sometimes it is the only option for some endodontic conditions. The apical resection ends with an exposed apical dentine surface which is why ... -
Application of Low-level Laser Phototherapy in the Treatment of Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders // Приложение на нискоинтензитетна фототерапия при хронични темпоромандибуларни заболявания
(2016)[EN] The second most common cause for facial pain following the classic odontogenic pain are the temporomandibular disorders and the myofascial pain disorder syndrome. These disorders affect 5-15% of the general population. ... -
Premature Loss of Primary Teeth of Children with Mixed Dentition. Need of Space Maintainers // Преждевременна загуба на временни зъби при деца със смесено съзъбие. Необходимост от местопазители
(2016)[EN] Primary teeth have a critical role in the growth and development of children. In addition to their role in esthetics, eating, speech, etc, the other main function of a primary tooth is to hold space for the permanent ... -
Diagnostic Value of the Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Head and Neck Neoplasms // Диагностична стойност на тънкоиглената аспирационна биопсия при новообразувания в областта на главата и шията
(2016)[EN] 1. Introduction: Neoplasms of the head and neck can be divided into congenital, benign and malignant. Treatment of benign tumors is almost always surgical and shall not constitute a problem with substantial consequences ...