Medical Academic Repository: Последно добавени
Показване на публикации 61-80 от 773
Factors Influencing Healthcare Services Utilisation in Bulgaria // Фактори, влияещи върху използваемостта на здравни услуги в България
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis aims to study and analyse the factors influencing the utilisation of healthcare services in outpatient and inpatient care in the country based on a model for utilisation research and to assess the applicability ... -
Circular Migration of Health Professionals – Attitudes, Challenges and Perspectives in Bulgaria // Циркулярната миграция на здравните професионалисти – нагласи, предизвикателства и перспективи в България
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis aims to investigate the migration of health professionals in Bulgaria and, based on the results obtained, formulate recommendations to promote circular migration. The main hypothesis of the thesis is that by ... -
Modelling and 3D Printing of Morphologically Correct Bone Matrix // Моделиране и 3D принтиране на морфологично достоверна костна матрица
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis focuses on 3D printing methods used for constructing models representing three main aspects of bone tissue: Macroscopic: Represents the bone as a macroscopic organ and explores methods for creating a model ... -
Multimodal Imaging Documentation in Dental Medicine // Мултимодално образно документиране в денталната медицина
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The dental industry has made significant efforts in its quest to create means of obtaining models that closely replicate the intraoral conditions of patients. Conventional impression materials, specifically elastomeric ... -
Intraabdominal Abscesses // Интраабдоминални абсцеси
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Intraabdominal abscesses are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. They are common surgical emergencies and have been reported as a major contributor to non-traumatic deaths in emergency departments worldwide. ... -
Postcholecystectomy Syndrome – an Update of an "Old" Problem. Diagnosis and Modern Therapeutic Strategy // Постхолецистектомичен синдром - актуален поглед върху “стар“ проблем. Диагностика и съвременна терапевтична стратегия
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Since the 1990s, laparoscopic cholecystectomy has replaced open cholecystectomy, and its frequency has increased, probably due to its relatively timely performance. Despite the large number of cholecystectomies performed ... -
Proliferation and Differentiation of Progenitor Cells in the Subventricular Zone of Adult Monkey Telencephalon // Пролиферация и диференциация на прогениторни клетки в субвентрикуларната зона от крайния мозък на възрастни примати
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Adult neurogenesis is the process of generating new neurons from stem/progenitor cells in the brains of adult individuals. This process occurs in specific regions, designated as 'niches,' such as the subventricular part ... -
Multimodal Treatment Strategy for High-Risk Prostate Cancer // Мултимодална стратегия за лечение на високорисков карцином на простатата
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis presents a retrospective study of 871 patients operated on for prostate cancer in the Urology Clinic at St. Anna Hospital – Varna. A literature review is presented, including a critical analysis of literature ... -
Antimicrobial Resistance of Most Common Causative Agents of Bacteremia and Associated Mortality // Антибиотична резистентност на най-честите причинители на бактериемии и леталитет, свързан с тях
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis aims to perform a microbiological and epidemiological study on antibiotic resistance of the most common causative agents of bacteremia in the period 2011-2020 and their associated lethality in an unselected and ... -
Studying the Results of the Application of Autogenous Platelet-Rich Plasma in Regenerative Therapy of Vertical Bone Defects // Изследване на резултатите от приложението на автогенна, богата на тромбоцити плазма при регенеративна терапия на вертикални костни дефекти
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Today, the main goal of periodontal treatment consists of eliminating periodontopathogenic microorganisms and regenerating the lost structures of the periodontium. Vertical bone defects are an inevitable consequence of ... -
Alternative Tooth Preparation Methods for Full-Coverage Crowns // Алтернативни методи за препарация на твърдите зъбни тъкани за цели обвивни корони
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Prosthetic treatment with fixed dental prostheses is necessary to ensure harmony between restorations and gingival tissues. The described biotolerance is a direct function of periodontal health and precision manufacturing. ... -
Challenges in the Hospital Urology Practice in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic // Предизвикателства за болничната урологична практика в условията на пандемия от COVID-19
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered significant changes and challenges in healthcare worldwide. Urology practice, like other areas in medicine, has been affected by the pandemic. In this context, understanding the impact ... -
Prosthetic Treatment of Patients with a Strong Nausea and Vomiting Reflex // Протетично лечение на пациенти със силен рефлекс на гадене и повръщане
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The problem of increased sensitivity in the oral cavity, in which patients find it difficult to tolerate foreign bodies such as the dental mirror, dental films and impressions in their mouths necessary for diagnosis and ... -
Nursing Approach in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea – Assessment of Physiological Changes and Beneficial Effects // Сестрински подход при пациенти с обструктивнна сънна апнея- оценка на физиологичните промени и благоприятни последици
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)World practice confirms the significant role of a professional and skilled nurse in managing obstructive sleep apnea. Addressing the problems of OSA patients, assessing the necessity of nursing care at each stage of the ... -
Application of Echocardiographic Methods for Fuzzy Stratification Determining the Volume of Surgery in Patients with Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation // Приложение на ехокардиографски методи за размита стратификация определяща обема на операцията при пациенти с исхемична митрална регургитация
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The database of the present research includes the records of 169 patients presenting with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and significant chronic IMR, requiring surgical revascularisation. This study aims to use appropriate ... -
Correlation Between Ultrasound Diagnosis and Immunohistochemistry in Early and Late Spontaneous Abortions // Корелация между ултразвуковата диагностика и имунохистохимията при ранни и късни спонтанни аборти
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The project aims to discover the correlation between Doppler velocimetry of uterine arteries and the quantity of dNK (decidual natural killer) cells and the proliferative marker Ki67, examined in placental tissue samples ... -
Complex Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Biological Therapy in Patients with Active Ulcerative Colitis // Комплексна оценка на ефективността от биологична терапия при болни с активен язвен колит
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), namely ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), are chronic immune-mediated conditions with a high incidence in developed countries and a rapidly increasing incidence in highly ... -
Obesity in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease // Затлъстяване при пациенти с хронични възпалителни болести на червата
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The prevalence of obesity in patients with IBD is significant and consistent with levels in the general population, contrary to the common perception that these patients are underweight. Although pathophysiologically ... -
Ridge Preservation Using Guided Regeneration, Free Gingival Grafts, and Platelet-rich Plasma // Ридж презервейшън с приложение на направлявана регенерация, пълнослойни гингивални трансплантати и богата на тромбоцити плазма
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Implant treatment in areas with reduced bone volume is extremely challenging and requires the application of various methods, especially augmentation procedures, including guided regeneration. Despite tissue augmentation, ... -
Cytogenetic and Molecular Cytogenetic Markers in Patients with Multiple Myeloma - Prognostic Significance // Цитогенетични и молекулярно-цитогенетични маркери при пациенти с множествен миелом – прогностично значение
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Multiple myeloma is a debilitating disease representing a significant health problem. The study included 110 patients analysed in the Laboratory of Medical Genetics at St. Marina University Hospital – Varna. Conventional ...