Medical Academic Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 772
Investigating the Role of Marginal Adaptation of Indirect Restorations as a Plaque Retentive Factor and Its Influence on the Attachment Level // Изследване ролята на маргиналната адаптация на индиректни възстановявания като плакретентивен фактор и влиянието и върху нивото на прикрепване
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Carious lesions involving both the occlusal and proximal sides of distal teeth are a common problem in dental practice. These cases are further complicated if the defect is subgingival, below the enamel-cement junction ... -
Neuropharmacological Investigation of Myrtenal Conjugates with Aminoadamantane // Неврофармакологично изследване на миртеналови конюгати с аминоадамантан
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Neurodegenerative diseases are characterised by multifactorial pathoetiology. The search for potential pharmacological agents with a complex mechanism of action involves various substances, most of which are natural ... -
Analysis of Microglia during the Prenatal Development of the Human Telencephalon // Анализ на микроглия по време на пренаталното развитие на краен мозък при човек
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The present study aimed to investigate the amount and distribution of microglial cells in the germinative zones of the human dorsal telencephalon during the peak period of neurogenesis and to examine the correlation between ... -
Localisation and Characteristics of Progenitor Cells during the Prenatal Development of Teeth in Humans // Локализация и характеристика на прогениторни клетки по време на пренаталното развитие на зъб при човек
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Progenitor cells in the dental pulp have been poorly studied, and the interest in them has been progressively increasing over the last two decades due to the wide therapeutic and regenerative potential that they present. ... -
Occupational Risk Factors in the Epidemiology of Stroke // Професионални рискови фактори в епидемиологията на мозъчните инсулти
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Due to the widespread changes in the contemporary workforce worldwide, there has been a noticeable increase in the prevalence of socially significant diseases such as cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases is noticeable. ... -
Awareness, Treatment and Control of Arterial Pressure in the Rural Population. Identifying Barriers to Effective Control // Осведоменост, лечение и контрол на артериалното налягане сред селското население. Бариери за контрол
(Medical University of Varna, 2009)The study of 'usual mean arterial pressure (AP)' revealed a disadvantage for the rural population regarding the extent of AP awareness, treatment and control. Seasonal variation in AP significantly impacts the frequency ... -
New Aromatic Iodine Derivatives – Synthesis, Structure, Properties // Нови ароматни йодопроизводни - синтез, структура, свойства
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Halogen-substituted aromatic compounds have been used with undoubted success in organic and pharmaceutical synthesis. Rationally, the "design" of a wide variety of polysubstituted biphenyls, stilbenes and other derivatives ... -
Circular Migration of Health Professionals – Attitudes, Challenges and Perspectives in Bulgaria // Циркулярната миграция на здравните професионалисти – нагласи, предизвикателства и перспективи в България
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis aims to investigate the migration of health professionals in Bulgaria and, based on the results obtained, formulate recommendations to promote circular migration. The main hypothesis of the thesis is that by ... -
Study on the combined use of high-energy laser and manual therapy in patients with functional thoracic spine disorders // Проучване на комбинираното приложение на високоенергиен лазер и мануална терапия при пациенти с функционални нарушения в торакален отдел
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)This thesis represents the first scientific study investigating the clinical effectiveness of combining high-energy laser and manual therapy in patients with functional thoracic spine disorders. Functional disorders in ... -
Pollution of the Varna region of the Black Sea with plastic waste and possible risks to human health // Замърсяване на Варненския регион на Черно море с пластмасови отпадъци и възможни рискове за здравето на човека
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)An assessment of the pollution with plastic waste in the environment, particularly the pollution of specific locations from the coastal areas in and around Varna, has been made. A questionnaire survey was conducted to ... -
New Aspects in the Pharmaceutical Analysis of Quinine and Some of Its Oxidation Products // Нови аспекти във фармацевтичния анализ на Quinine и някои негови продукти на окисление
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis explores various aspects of the qualitative analysis of the alkaloids quinine and quinotoxine – representatives of the general alkaloid set of cortex Chinae. Quinine is a pharmacopoeial representative currently ... -
Impact of Interactive Technologies for Establishing Professional Competencies in Students of the Rehabilitation Therapist Speciality // Влияние на интерактивните технологии за формиране на професионални компетенции при студентите от специалност рехабилитатор
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The training in the Rehabilitation therapist speciality is a process that needs to change, given the rapidly developing technologies in education and science in general. This transformation involves moving away from passive ... -
Factors Influencing Pregnant Women's Choice of an Elective Delivery. The midwife's role // Фактори, влияещи върху избора на бременните жени за елективно родоразрешение. Роля на акушерката
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The relevance of the issue is associated with the growing rate of C-sections and the midwife's role in informing pregnant women about the mechanism of delivery. This was a determining factor in the choice of the thesis ... -
Electronic System for Midwifery Care Management in Outpatient Care // Електронна система за управление на акушерската грижа в извънболничната помощ
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis aims to investigate and optimise the management of midwifery care by developing a methodology for integrating an electronic midwifery record into medical software. We hypothesise that the midwifery record, based ... -
Traumatic Oral Lesions // Орални травматични лезии
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Medical science, particularly dentistry, has come a long way in recent decades. However, in the distant past and today, there are diseases and conditions that accidentally and unexpectedly disturb the everyday existence ... -
Expression of Tumour Reversion Markers in Colorectal Cancer // Експресия на маркери за туморна реверсия при колоректален карцином
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis research focuses on identifying TCTP as a new prognostic biomarker in patients with histologically verified colorectal carcinoma. The retrospective study included 74 participants who received antitumour treatment ... -
Access to Dental Care in Bulgaria // Достъп до дентална помощ в България
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Diseases in the oral cavity, due to their increasing frequency and prevalence worldwide, are proving to be a serious problem for public health. One of the challenges facing our modern healthcare systems is related to ... -
Raising Awareness of Radiation Risk in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy // Повишаване на информираността относно радиационния риск при медицинска диагностика и терапия
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis explores the possibilities of raising awareness about the risk of ionizing radiation for medical diagnostics and therapy. The need for a centralized system for registration, reporting, and control of patients' ... -
Contemporary Models, New Approaches and Perspectives in Training Students of the Medical Laboratory Technician Speciality // Съвременни модели, нови подходи и перспективи в обучението на студентите от специалност „Медицински лаборант
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The dynamic development of laboratory medicine requires a shift in student motivation, consistent with their competitiveness on the European and other markets. The thesis aims to analyse the specific features, new approaches ... -
Factors Influencing Healthcare Services Utilisation in Bulgaria // Фактори, влияещи върху използваемостта на здравни услуги в България
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis aims to study and analyse the factors influencing the utilisation of healthcare services in outpatient and inpatient care in the country based on a model for utilisation research and to assess the applicability ...