Катедра по социална медицина и организация на здравеопазването / Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Healthcare: Последно добавени
Показване на публикации 21-34 от 34
Prevention of Spinal Deformities in Preschool-Age Children /// Профилактика на гръбначните изкривявания при деца в предучилищна възраст
(2017)The musculoskeletal disorders are common conditions among children and are usually caused by the long-term effects of poor posture. The purpose of this study is to examine the measures for prevention of spinal deformities ... -
Cancer Prevention in Bulgaria. Preventive Screening Options in the Small Towns and Remote Villages /// Профилактика на онкологичните заболявания в България. Възможности за скрининг в малки и отдалечени населени места
(2017)[EN] Cancer morbidity and mortality rates in Bulgaria are growing, although the trend observed in other European countries is towards a decreasing mortality despite the increasing morbidity rate. Bulgaria has very low ... -
Opportunities and Barriers for an Equal and Timely Access when Providing Emergency Medical Care in Pre-hospital and In-hospital Conditions /// Възможности и бариери за постигане на равен достъп и своевременност при оказване на спешна медицинска помощ в извънболнични и болнични условия
(2017)[EN] To practice emergency medicine means to foretell, control and treat the emergency case in conditions of shortage of time, information and possibilities. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the opportunities and ... -
An Assessment of Rising Demand for Professional Caregivers /// Потребности от професионално полагане на подкрепящи грижи
(2016)The population ageing, chronical and disability diseases, and the shortage of medical staff are creating an increasing demand for professionals who provide qualitative care for people in need. The aim of this dissertation ... -
Regional Inequalities in Mortality in Bulgaria // Регионални неравенства в смъртността в България
(2016)[EN] Regional mortality differences can be used while making regional health care policy decisions. Aims: To measure regional differences in age-standardized mortality rates from all causes of death, from Class II, IX, X, ... -
Use of Medications and Pharmacists’ Role in Improving the Quality of Life in Children with Bronchial Asthma // Лекарствена употреба и роля на фармацевтите за подобряване качеството на живот при деца с бронхиална астма
(2016)This thesis is focused on the study of bronchial asthma as a present-day disease with socially significant implications and pharmacists’ contribution in providing comprehensive patient care. The global burden of asthma can ... -
Citizen Participation in Healthcare Decision-making on Local Level // Въвличане на гражданите във вземане на решения, свързани със здравеопазването на местно ниво
(2014)[EN] Over the past 30-40 years the idea of citizen involvement in health care decision-making process is undergoing steady progress as a result of different social, economic and political changes. In the 70s of the 20th ... -
Epidemiology of Blindness and Low Vision in Kuwait // Епидемиология на слепотата и слабото зрение в националното население на Кувейт
(2012)The study sets itself the objective to estimate the morbidity and cumulative incidence rates of visual impairment causing primary disability due to blindness among Kuwaiti nationals and its dynamic trend in a ten year ... -
Publication Ethics in Biomedical Research. Infringements and Standards for Good Publication Practice // Публикационна етика в биомедицинските изследвания. Нарушения и стандарти за добре публикационна практика
(2015)Issues concerning one of the main activities in academic and scientific organizations, namely - research and the publishing process chain, is the subject-matter of this monograph. Research can meet its social role only ... -
International Politics of Health Promotion and Tobacco Control - Improvement of the Process of Transcultural Transfer // Международна политика за промоция на здраве и контрол на тютюнопушенето - подобряване процеса на транскултурален трансфер
(2005)Analyzing the porting process (transcultural transfer) of European policy on health promotion and tobacco control to Bulgarian context is the subject of this thesis. Along with it, we try to identify the difficulties in ... -
Development of the system for treatment of dependencies - building and management of a network of structures in Varna Municipality // Развитие на системата за лечение на зависимости - създаване и управление на мрежа от структури в Община Варна
(2012)Theoretical and practical experience indicate that the only efficient model for treatment of dependencies is the global integrative model - a bio-psycho-social and systematic model which covers and characterizes the dependent ... -
Successfull breastfeeding and complementary feeding - modern trends, problems and solution opportunities // Успешно кърмене и захранване на децата - съвременни тенденции, проблеми и възможности за решаването им
(2013)[EN] The purpose of this thesis is to study and assess the patterns of breasfeeding (BF) and infants feeding according to the WHO criteria; to identify the factors influencing these patterns. Tasks: 1. To study mothers ... -
Health-related Quality of Life in the Community // Качество на живот, свързано със здравето в общността
(2013)[EN] The study combines the concepts of "health-related quality of life" (HrQoL) , "health promotion", "community" and "social capital"(SC) and applies them to the Bulgarian environment. The research did not identify any ... -
Geography of Disability. Аn Analysis Based on the Socioeconomic Levels of Two Metropolitan Areas Dallas, Texas and Monterrey, Nuevo Leon // Медико-географски неравенства при хора с увреждания в различна социо-икономическа среда: Далас, Тексас и Монтерей, Нуево Леон
(2015)This doctoral project investigated the performance of disability within two different political, cultural, and socioeconomic environments. Disability is analyzed as a problem in three perspectives - subjective /i.e. ...