2. Дентална медицина / Dental Medicine: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 86
Laboratory Investigation of the Accuracy of Cemented Superstructures on Abutments Manufactured Using Different Impression-Taking Protocols // Лабораторно изследване на точността на циментирани супраструктури върху абатмънти, произведени по различни протоколи за снемане на отпечатък
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Digitalisation is rapidly advancing with the introduction of CAD/CAM technologies (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing). Implant-prosthetic treatment (IPT) using digital technologies has also made ... -
Study of the Influence of Some Factors on Tooth Bleaching // Изследване влиянието на някои фактори върху избелването на зъби
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis examines the experience of dentists and patients regarding tooth bleaching and the influence of physical and chemical factors on the mechanism of bleaching and its effects on teeth. The most common clinical ... -
Study of The Properties of Temporary Filling Materials // Изследване на свойствата на материали за временно обтуриране
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis investigates the properties of temporary obturation materials and their ability to store hard dental tissues (HDT) and seal cavities in multi-visit treatment. Antibacterial qualities, microleakage and sensitising ... -
Postural Analysis in Patients with Orthodontic Deformations and Vestibular Disorders // Постурален анализ при пациенти с ортодонтски деформации и вестибуларни нарушения
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Human posture is an automatic position in which an individual's body is situated to perform everyday static and dynamic activities with a minimum amount of energy. The connections between the stomatognathic, postural and ... -
Studies on the Changes Occurring in Speech and Masticatory Functions during Prosthetic Treatment // Изследвания върху промените, настъпващи в говорната и дъвкателната функции при протетично лечение
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The quality of chewing food, bolus formation, and proper speech formation are relevant and crucial for the success of any prosthetic treatment. This thesis investigates changes in speech and masticatory function following ... -
Investigating the Role of Marginal Adaptation of Indirect Restorations as a Plaque Retentive Factor and Its Influence on the Attachment Level // Изследване ролята на маргиналната адаптация на индиректни възстановявания като плакретентивен фактор и влиянието и върху нивото на прикрепване
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Carious lesions involving both the occlusal and proximal sides of distal teeth are a common problem in dental practice. These cases are further complicated if the defect is subgingival, below the enamel-cement junction ... -
Traumatic Oral Lesions // Орални травматични лезии
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Medical science, particularly dentistry, has come a long way in recent decades. However, in the distant past and today, there are diseases and conditions that accidentally and unexpectedly disturb the everyday existence ... -
Multimodal Imaging Documentation in Dental Medicine // Мултимодално образно документиране в денталната медицина
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The dental industry has made significant efforts in its quest to create means of obtaining models that closely replicate the intraoral conditions of patients. Conventional impression materials, specifically elastomeric ... -
Studying the Results of the Application of Autogenous Platelet-Rich Plasma in Regenerative Therapy of Vertical Bone Defects // Изследване на резултатите от приложението на автогенна, богата на тромбоцити плазма при регенеративна терапия на вертикални костни дефекти
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Today, the main goal of periodontal treatment consists of eliminating periodontopathogenic microorganisms and regenerating the lost structures of the periodontium. Vertical bone defects are an inevitable consequence of ... -
Alternative Tooth Preparation Methods for Full-Coverage Crowns // Алтернативни методи за препарация на твърдите зъбни тъкани за цели обвивни корони
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Prosthetic treatment with fixed dental prostheses is necessary to ensure harmony between restorations and gingival tissues. The described biotolerance is a direct function of periodontal health and precision manufacturing. ... -
Prosthetic Treatment of Patients with a Strong Nausea and Vomiting Reflex // Протетично лечение на пациенти със силен рефлекс на гадене и повръщане
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The problem of increased sensitivity in the oral cavity, in which patients find it difficult to tolerate foreign bodies such as the dental mirror, dental films and impressions in their mouths necessary for diagnosis and ... -
Ridge Preservation Using Guided Regeneration, Free Gingival Grafts, and Platelet-rich Plasma // Ридж презервейшън с приложение на направлявана регенерация, пълнослойни гингивални трансплантати и богата на тромбоцити плазма
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Implant treatment in areas with reduced bone volume is extremely challenging and requires the application of various methods, especially augmentation procedures, including guided regeneration. Despite tissue augmentation, ... -
Clinical Results from the Administration of Platelet Concentrate in Postextraction Plots Using New Protocols for the Extraction of Platelet-Rich Plasma // Клинични резултати от приложение на тромбоцитни концентрати в постекстракционни участъци при използване на нови протоколи за добиване на богата на тромбоцити плазма
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis aims to present clinical results in postextraction sections after surgical removal of lower third molar teeth, using new, nationally standardized four protocols for extracting platelet concentrates (PC) from ... -
Adhesion of Dental Ceramic to Ti6Al4V Alloy Fabricated by CAD/CAM Technologies // Адхезия на дентална керамика към сплав Ti6Al4V, произведена чрез CAD/CAM технологии
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis aims to investigate the properties and adhesion of dental ceramics to Ti6Al4V alloy produced by modern CAD/CAM technologies: milling and selective laser melting (SLM). Conventional and standard methods are used ... -
Oral Manifestations in Children with Autism and Some Syndromes // Орални изяви при деца с аутизъм и някои синдроми
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), worldwide, more than 15% of the population lives with disabilities, and 5.1% of them are children, of which 0.7% are severely disabled. In Bulgaria, the estimated ... -
Effects of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes on the Success Rate of Dental Treatment // Влияние на сърдечно-съдовите заболявания и диабета върху денталното лечение
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)The doctoral thesis clarifies the influence of these diseases on the success of dental treatment. In addition to diseases, the dissertation considers the effect of medications related to these diseases in the context of ... -
Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation with Lateral Approach – Imaging, Clinical and Experimental Research // Повдигане на синусния под с латерален достъп – образни, клинични и експериментални изследвания
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)There are many studies on the augmentation procedure for the elevation of the maxillary sinus floor with different techniques and methods of execution. The procedure is reported to be associated with a common, typical ... -
Examination of the mandibular canal course, using three-dimensional radiography and a model of the mandible, reconstructed on a 3D printer from cone beam CT // Изследване на хода на canalis mandibulae, използвайки триизмерно рентгеново изследване и модел на долна челюст, реконструиран на 3D принтер от СВСТ
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)In the daily ambulatory surgical practice, some of the most commonly performed interventions are related not only to the sound knowledge of anatomical objects and features of the oral structures but also to the possibilities ... -
Evaluation of individual indicators for orthodontic treatment of children with mixed and permanent dentition // Оценка на индивидуални показатели за ортодонтско лечение на деца в смесено и постоянно съзъбие
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)A study of individual indicators of the puberty period of growth was carried out to create a prognostic model on orthopantomogram for the initiation of orthodontic treatment. Four tasks were formulated, and 320 children ... -
Use of Dental Lasers for Treatment of Patients in Oral Surgery // Използване на дентални лазери при лечение на пациенти в оралната хирургия
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)The widespread application of lasers in medicine and dentistry has been increasing in the last few decades. Lasers are used in all dental specialities – oral surgery, periodontology, endodontics, conservative and paediatric ...