2. Дентална медицина / Dental Medicine: Последно добавени
Показване на публикации 21-40 от 86
Influence of chronic inflammatory processes of the teeth on the mucociliary transport of the maxillary sinus // Влияние на хроничните възпалителни процеси на зъбите върху мукоцилиарния транспорт на лигавицата на максиларния синус
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)The maxillary sinus is the largest of the paranasal cavities. It was discovered by the English anatomist Nathaniel Highmore in 1651 and bears his name. It is an air-filled, pyramid-like cavity, repeating the shape of the ... -
One-photon emission computed tomography with 99mTcMDP (methylene diphosphonate) of peri-implant bone during the healing period after placement of intraosseous osteointegratable implants // Еднофотонна емисионна компютърна томография с 99mTc MDP (метилен дифосфонат) на периимплантатната костна тъкан в оздравителния период след поставяне на интраосални остеоинтегрируеми имплантати
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)Treatment with intraosseous osteointegratable dental implants is a modern therapeutic method that achieves complete rehabilitation by fully restoring the patient's masticatory function and aesthetics. Long-term follow-up ... -
Assessment of Oral Health Status in Children with Malignant Diseases Subject to Chemotherapy // Оценка на оралния статус при деца със злокачествени заболявания, подложени на химиотерапия
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)The cancer patient is facing an attack on oral health from both the disease and treatment options. Some of these complications include: bleeding gums, ulcers, mucositis, changes in taste, desquamation of the skin, xerostomia, ... -
Influence of Parents on Children's Oral Health // Влияние на родителите върху детското орално здраве
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)Parents are the main social force influencing child development. They influence children as a model of behaviour and a source of health knowledge through the parent-child relationship. A number of scientific studies in the ... -
Drug Addicted Patients – Oral Health and Management // Наркозависими пациенти – орално здраве и мениджмънт
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)Drugs are chemicals that affect a person's physical, mental and social functions by altering them in various ways. Drug use and abuse have increased in recent years and are socially significant worldwide. Increasingly, ... -
Tinnitus and Auditory Changes in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction // Тинитус и слухови промени при пациенти с дисфункция на темпоромандибуларната става
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)Tinnitus is the perception of noise, which can be generated by pathological changes in various levels of the acoustic system, changes in the vascular or velo-palatal muscles, as well as changes in the temporomandibular ... -
Improving the Quality of Life of Patients with Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea through Intraoral Devices // Подобряване качеството на живот при пациенти с хъркане и обструктивна сънна апнея чрез интраорални апарати
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)Sleep apnea is a common and potentially dangerous sleep disorder characterized by alternating periods of cessation and resumption of breathing and increased resistance of the upper respiratory tract. Among the main symptoms ... -
Application of Temporary Restorations Obtained through 3d Laser Stereolithographic Printer // Приложение на временни конструкции получени чрез 3d принтиране на лазерен стереолитографски принтер
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)The results of our research confirm the possibilities for the application of temporary restorations printed with a stereolithographic printer. For this purpose, task 1 tested and demonstrated that the application of egg-shell ... -
Treatment of Medication-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Jaws, Using Platelet-Rich Fibrin PRF // Лечение на медикаментозно-индуцирана остеонекроза на челюстите с приложение на богат на тромбоцити фибрин PRF
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)Medication-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) in an area of exposed bone, which does not heal in a period of more than eight weeks and affects patients underdoing medication therapy. These are mostly patients diagnosed ... -
Application of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontic Practice / Приложение на конично-лъчевата томография в ендодонтската практика
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)Conventional two-dimensional radiographs provide accessible and high-resolution images, remaining the most popular method for paraclinical diagnosis of diseases involving the pulp and periodontium. Despite their many ... -
Prevalence of White Spot Lesions in Patients with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances and Their Correlation with the Level of Plaque Control and Gingival Inflammation // Разпространение на бели кариозни лезии при пациенти с фиксирана ортодонтска техника и корелацията им с нивото на плак-контрола и гингивалното възпаление
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)Fixed orthodontic appliances are used to treat jaw deformities for a certain time, but they are a risk factor for the development of dental caries because they are retentive and support plaque accumulation. The elements ... -
Comparison of Treatment Methods for Chronic Periapical Inflammatory Diseases // Сравняване на методи за лечение на хронични периапикални възпалителни заболявания
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)One of the main etiological factors for the development of apical periodontitis is the presence of microorganisms colonizing the root canal system. To achieve optimal results from endodontic treatment, bacterial populations ... -
Problems and Solutions in the Treatment of Dental Crown Defects with Zro2 Constructions // Проблеми и техните решения при лечение на дефекти на зъбните корони с конструкции от ZrO2
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)We aim to investigate the strength of the bond between dentin and ZrO2 in the treatment of dental crown defects with ZrO2 crowns. In more detail in this scientific study we focus on main problem in the treatment of defects ... -
Treatment of Defects in the Dental Arches with Fixed Prosthetic Restorations over Natural Teeth Made by Digital Impression // Лечение на дефекти на зъбните редици с неснемаеми протезни конструкции върху опори естествени зъби, изработени по дигитален отпечатък
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)Taking an impression of the oral cavity which accurately recreates the prosthetic field, the surrounding hard dental and soft tissues, is one of the main and most important stages in the process of manufacturing any fixed ... -
Problems Associated with Photopolymerization in Dentistry // Проблеми, свързани с фотополимеризацията в денталната медицина
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)The introduction of light-cured resin-based composites (RBCs) is a revolutionary step in restorative dentistry because it allows clinicians to determine the beginning of the polymerization process. The reason for their ... -
3D Printed Prototypes of Cast Metal Denture Frameworks Fabricated by Laser Stereolithography Printer // Лети метални конструкции по 3D принтирани прототипи чрез лазерен стереолитографски принтер
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)Additive technologies represent a relatively new direction in the development of dental medicine. An essential characteristic of additive manufacturing technology is the fabrication of details with a complex configuration ... -
Restorative Treatment of Jawbone Postoperative Defects Using Platelet Concentrates // Възстановяване на постоперативни дефекти на челюстните кости при приложение на костновъзстановителни материали, съдържащи тромбоцитни концентрати
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)In recent years, platelet-rich plasma is used in a series of countries for the restoration of jaws following the removal of retained teeth and odontogenic cysts. The therapeutic effect of platelet-rich plasma applied into ... -
V- Shaped Defects – Epidemiology, Clinical Picture and Obturation Opportunities // Клиновидни дефекти – епидемиология, клинична картина и възможности за обтуриране
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)Wedge-shaped defects, such as non-carious disease of the hard dental tissues, are observed in a small percentage of the patients studied. They are of interest to the dentist because they lead to some disorders associated ... -
Dental Erosion – Epidemiology, Clinical Features, Treatment and Prevention of Early Stages // Зъбна ерозия – епидемиология, клинични особености, лечение и профилактика на ранните стадии
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)Dental erosion is a non-carious disease of hard dental tissues with specific etiology, pathogenesis and clinical presentation. Based on the results of anepidemiological study on the territory of Varna, we determined the ... -
Vestibuloplasty Using Xenodermal Graft / Вестибулопластика с ксеногенен дермален трансплантат
(2019)Vestibuloplasty is the surgical procedure whereby the oral vestibule is deepened by changing the soft tissue attachments. The aim of vestibuloplasty is to increase the bone amount and the attached mucosa, so that the ...