Катедра по химия / Department of Chemistry
Последно добавени
Investigation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Toxic Elements in Medicinal Plants and Dietary Risk Assessment // Изследване на полициклични ароматни въглеводороди и токсични елементи в лечебни растения и оценка на безопасност
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis aims to determine the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and toxic elements in five types of medicinal plants from the Varna region and to assess their safety. Toxic elements and PAHs are persistent ... -
Investigation of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Breast Milk // Изследване на устойчиви органични замърсители в майчино мляко
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis aims to investigate the concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in human breast milk of women from North-Eastern Bulgaria and to assess the potential health risks. POPs are toxic anthropogenic ... -
Safety and Human Health Risk Assessment of Black Sea Mussels as a Food Resource // Безопасност и риск за здравето на човека от използването на черноморска мида като хранителен ресурс
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)Marine biotoxins (phytotoxins, algal toxins) are produced by some phytoplankton species, accumulate in mussels and can reach humans through the food chain. Marine biotoxins have been found to cause poisoning by the consumption ... -
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of SMAC-NT Peptide Conjugates with Combined Antineoplastic and Analgesic Effect // Синтез и биологична оценка на пептидни конюгати SMAC-NT с комбинирано антинеопластично и аналгетично действие
(2019)The rapidly increasing number of patients with neoplastic diseases and the high mortality rate among them put scientists and pharmacists in a situation of need for the development of a new, adequate treatment. In search ... -
Determination of Toxic Chemical Contents in the Black Sea Marine Water , Sediment and Biota //// Определяне съдържанието на токсични химични елементи в системата вода-седимент- биота
(2017)[EN] Heavy metals in marine systems are a global problem, since continuous exposure of marine organisms to their low concentrations may result in bioaccumulation, and subsequent transfer to man through the food web (Mendil ... -
Kinetic Behaviour of the Foam Films from Aqueous Solutions of Bovine Serum Albumin and n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside // Кинетично поведение на пенни филми от водни разтвори на говежди серумен албумин и n-додецил-бета-D-малтозид
(2017)Experimental study of the kinetic behavior and the equilibrium state of foam films formed from mixed aqueous solutions of bovine serum albumin and n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside; using data from it for the evaluation of ... -
Personality Resources for Higher Levels of Subjective Well-being and Health Promotion // Личностни ресурси за по-високи нива на субективно благополучие и промоция на здравето
(2014)[EN] The scientific research topic of this thesis is to explore the personality resources (moulded and manifested in social context) for achieving higher levels of subjective well-being and health promotion. The study was ... -
New Polymeric Forms of Paclitaxel. Synthesis, Characterization and Antitumor Activity /// Нови полимерни форми на паклитаксел. Синтез, охарактеризиране и антитуморна активност
(2016)Novel water soluble polymeric forms of paclitaxel based on polyphosphoesters were developed in this dissertation work. Poly(oxyethylene Н-phosphonate) was used for the paclitaxel immobilization by covalent bond, as the ... -
Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Foods of Animal Origin // Полихлорирани бифенили в храни от животински произход
(2011)[EN] Polychlorinated biphenyls are a group of organic compounds consisting of 209 components with varying degrees of toxicity. PCBs are a mixture of aromatic compounds and their chemical formula is C12H10-nCln. The first ... -
Determination of residue chlororganic contaminants in Black Sea fish // Определяне на остатъчни хлорорганични замърсители в черноморски риби
(2013)United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has designated 12 chlorinated organic compounds as hazardous pollutants because of their negative impact on human health and the environment. Among them are some organochlorine ... -
Persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals in Black Sea fish species // Устойчиви органични замърсители и тежки метали в черноморски риби
(2012)[EN] The main objective of the present thesis is the determination of persistent organic pollutants - polychlorinated biphenyls, DDT and heavy metals in Black Sea fish species in relation to their safety as food and ... -
(2015)[EN] The objectives of the work were to investigate the fat soluble vitamins (A, E and D3) content and their percentige of recommended daily intake (RDI) of ten Black Sea (bonito, bluefish, goby, garfish, grey mullet, ... -
Determination of biologically active substances in Black Sea algae//Определяне на биологично активни вещества в черноморски водорасли
(2014)[EN] Marine organisms, especially marine algae are one of the most complete and natural food sources rich in a number of vital biologically active compounds, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, sterols, proteins, ... -
(2014)[eng] Total lipids and fatty acid composition of eleven Black Sea (sprat, goby, shad, horse mackerel, red mullet, turbot, bluefish, anchovy, garfish, grey mullet and bonito) and four freshwater (carp, bighead carp, catfish ...