Катедра по физиотерапия, рехабилитация и морелечение / Department of Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Thalassotherapy
Последно добавени
A Comparative Study of the Effects of Deep Oscillation and Physical Therapy Modalities in Patients with Cervical Spondylosis // Сравнително проучване на ефектите на дълбока осцилация (Deep Oscillation) и някои преформирани физикални фактори при пациенти с шийна остеохондроза
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)This thesis aims to investigate the effect of the combined application of Deep Oscillation and some physical factors and to compare it with a combination of routine physical factors applied to treat patients with cervical ... -
Therapeutic Effectiveness of Physical Factors in Early Rehabilitation in Patients with Distortion of the Talocrural Joint // Терапевтична ефективност на физикалните фактори в ранната рехабилитация при пациенти с дисторзио на талокрурална става
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The research aims to make a comparative assessment of the effect of a low-frequency electrostatic field using the deep oscillation (DO) method, the "PRICE" protocol (protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation), and their ... -
Rehabilitation in patients with lung diseases in conditions of pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus // Рехабилитация при пациенти с белодробни заболявания в условия на пандемия, причинена от коронавирус SARS-COV-2
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis presents a survey on the effectiveness of respiratory rehabilitation in 124 patients with bilateral COVID-19 pneumonia in St. Marina University Hospital - Varna from January 2021 to January 2022. Participants ... -
Study on the combined use of high-energy laser and manual therapy in patients with functional thoracic spine disorders // Проучване на комбинираното приложение на високоенергиен лазер и мануална терапия при пациенти с функционални нарушения в торакален отдел
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)This thesis represents the first scientific study investigating the clinical effectiveness of combining high-energy laser and manual therapy in patients with functional thoracic spine disorders. Functional disorders in ... -
Quality of Life and Rehabilitation in Patients with Total Hip Replacement // Рехабилитация и качество на живот при тазобедрено ендопротезирани пациенти
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)This thesis examines the problems of rehabilitation after hip arthroplasty, following the principles of a holistic, patient-centred approach to health and disease, and the possibilities of assessing the effectiveness of ... -
Study of the Effect of High-Energy Laser in Diabetic Sensorimotor Neuropathy // Проучване ефекта на високоенергиен лазер при диабетна сензомоторна невропатия
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)The study aimed to assess the effect of Multiwave Locked System (MLS) laser radiation in patients with diabetic sensorimotor neuropathy. Sixty-nine patients of both sexes over 18 years of age with diabetic neuropathy of ... -
Comparative Study of the Effects of Conventional Physiotherapeutic Complex and High-Energy Laser in Patients with Glenohumeral Joint Peritendinitis // Сравнително проучване на ефектите на конвенционален физиотерапевтичен комплекс и високоенергиен лазер при пациенти с перитендинит на гленохумерална става
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)The purpose of the present investigation is to evaluate the therapeutical effects, in terms of pain reduction and mobility improvement, of Multiwave Locked System (MLS) laser energy treatment and the combined therapy of ... -
Extended Fitball as an Emotional and Therapeutical Method for Reducing Overweight // Разширеният фитбол като емоционален и терапевтичен метод за редукция на наднорменото тегло
(2019)In the past few years there has been a significant increase in the number of overweight and obese children, which is reaching epidemic proportions. According to the World Health Organization data, 43,000,000 children ... -
Use of Spinal Traction in the Complex Treatment of Lumbar Disc Disease /// Ролята на екстензионната терапия в комплексното лечение на поясната дискова болест
(2016)Lumbar disc disease is of high importance with health and social impact leading to rapid decrease of the work capacity, impaired social adaptation, a lowering of one's quality of life and in some cases may be even the cause ... -
Microstructural Analysis of Pathological Structures in Cornea // Микроструктурен анализ на патологични структури в роговицата
(2015)The thesis aims to perform an assessment of the living human cornea in healthy subjects by temporary high-tech methods for tomographic and microstructural analysis of healthy cornea and based on this to evaluate pathological ... -
Prospects of influencing the functional disorders in the sacroiliac joint by the means of some physical factors // Възможности на някои физикални фактори за повлияване на функционалните нарушения в сакроилиачните стави
(2011)This dissertation studies the direct advantages of the implementation of Manual Medicine in the therapeutic complex for patients with disturbed function of the sacroiliac joint. In addition a comparison is made between its ... -
(2015)[EN] Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common compression neuropathy with a significant influense on the quality of life of a large number of patients and serious social and economic consequenses for the society. ...