3. Фармация / Pharmacy
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Recent Submissions
Investigation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Toxic Elements in Medicinal Plants and Dietary Risk Assessment // Изследване на полициклични ароматни въглеводороди и токсични елементи в лечебни растения и оценка на безопасност
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis aims to determine the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and toxic elements in five types of medicinal plants from the Varna region and to assess their safety. Toxic elements and PAHs are persistent ... -
Human Oocytes in Assisted Reproduction – Systematization of the Factors Affecting Quality, Development of an Assessment Methodology, and Analysis of Fertilisation Enhancement Techniques // Човешките овоцити при асистирана репродукция – систематизация на факторите, влияещи върху качеството, изработване на методика за оценка и анализ на техники за подобряване на оплождането
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The study focuses on human oocytes used in assisted reproduction, examining their morphological quality, physiological characteristics, factors affecting oocyte potential, scoring systems, selection methods, fertilisation ... -
Investigation of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Breast Milk // Изследване на устойчиви органични замърсители в майчино мляко
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis aims to investigate the concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in human breast milk of women from North-Eastern Bulgaria and to assess the potential health risks. POPs are toxic anthropogenic ... -
Corrosion Resistance of AISI 321 Austenitic Steel in Biological Fluids after Laser Surface Treatment // Корозионна устойчивост в биологични флуиди на аустенитна стомана AISI 321 след повърхностно въздействие с лазер
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis investigates the corrosion resistance of AISI 321 austenitic stainless steel in biological fluids after laser surface treatment. Initially, the steel surface microstructure after laser melting was investigated ... -
Neuropharmacological Investigation of Myrtenal Conjugates with Aminoadamantane // Неврофармакологично изследване на миртеналови конюгати с аминоадамантан
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Neurodegenerative diseases are characterised by multifactorial pathoetiology. The search for potential pharmacological agents with a complex mechanism of action involves various substances, most of which are natural ... -
New Aromatic Iodine Derivatives – Synthesis, Structure, Properties // Нови ароматни йодопроизводни - синтез, структура, свойства
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Halogen-substituted aromatic compounds have been used with undoubted success in organic and pharmaceutical synthesis. Rationally, the "design" of a wide variety of polysubstituted biphenyls, stilbenes and other derivatives ... -
New Aspects in the Pharmaceutical Analysis of Quinine and Some of Its Oxidation Products // Нови аспекти във фармацевтичния анализ на Quinine и някои негови продукти на окисление
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)The thesis explores various aspects of the qualitative analysis of the alkaloids quinine and quinotoxine – representatives of the general alkaloid set of cortex Chinae. Quinine is a pharmacopoeial representative currently ... -
Synthesis of Peptide Molecules, Analogues of Lactoferricin and in Vitro Screening for Antimicrobial and Antitumor Activity // Синтезиране на пептидни молекули, аналози на лактоферицин, и изследване за антимикробно и противотуморно действие
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Antibiotic resistance and the increasing number of diagnosed oncological diseases affect all areas of healthcare, drain the economy, and impact society. The leading importance of developing resistant bacterial strains is ... -
Synthesis, Characterization and Toxicity Study of Bexarotene Esters // Синтез, охарактеризиране и изследване на токсичността на естери на Бексаротен
(Medical University of Varna, 2023)Retinoids are used in the treatment of skin diseases and some types of cancer. Their role in vision, embryonic development, regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, homeostasis and various aspects of metabolism ... -
New Strategies for the Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Nitrofural and Its New Derivatives // Нови стратегии за качествения и количествен анализ на Nitrofural и неговите нови производни
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)Over the last few decades, polymorphism has become increasingly important in global pharmaceutical production. Today, in pharmaceutical practice, the concept of polymorphism is the knowledge that polymorphism is the most ... -
Synthesis, Structure and Properties of New Iodine Derivatives of Natural Aromatic Acids // Синтез, структура и свойства на нови йодопроизводни на природни ароматни киселини
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)Iodination reactions of organic substrates are one of the most significant chemical transformations in pharmaceutical synthesis. No less important are the reactions that use the already obtained iodine-substituted compounds ... -
Isolation and Analysis of Methylxanthine Fraction, Catechin Fraction and Total Bancha Green Tea Extract and Study of Their Influence on the Pharmacokinetics of Sildenafil in Rats // Изолиране и анализ на метилксантинова фракция, катехинова фракция и цялостен екстракт от зелен чай Банча и проучване на влиянието им върху фармакокинетиката на силденафил при плъхове
(Medical University of Varna, 2022)Green tea is known for a number of beneficial effects such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity, antitumor effect and others. Tea leaves contain a wide variety of biologically active substances ... -
Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Autologous Platelet Concentrates and the Biological Significance of Their Proteins // Количествени и качествени характеристики на автоложни тромбоцитни концентрати и биологичното значение на протеините в тях
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is defined as a revolutionary, alternative method in medicine. The procedure is a biological therapy based on observations of the role of platelets in the natural process of repairing ... -
Characteristics of Acute Medicinal Poisoning in Varna District over a 30-Year Period // Характеристика на острите медикаментозни отравяния във Варненска област за 30-годишен период
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)Poisoning is a significant public health problem. According to WHO data, in 2016, more than 1,206,000 people died due to accidental poisoning. There are significant differences in patterns of poisoning between different ... -
Ethnobotanical Study of the Medicinal Plants in the Region of the North Black Sea Coast // Етноботаническо проучване на лечебните растения в района на северночерноморско крайбрежие
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)The ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in the region of the North Black Sea coast describes the knowledge of the locals about the application of medicinal plants in: human and veterinary medicine, for cosmetic and ... -
Investigation and Screening Methods for Early Diagnosis of Patients with Gastrointestinal Disorders Due to Mushroom Consumption // Проучвания и скринингови методи за ранна диагностика на пациенти с гастроинтестинални разстройства вследствие на консумация на гъби
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)We analysed the intoxications with wild mushrooms among the population in the Northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast between 1991 and 2015. Two easily feasible methods for their diagnosis, such as Meixner’s test and ELISA, ... -
Research on the Correlation between the Optical Properties and Antioxidant Effect of Extracts and Juices of Traditional Medicinal Plants Using the Methods of Applied Photonics // Проучване на връзката оптични свойства – антиоксидантен ефект на екстракти и сокове от традиционни лечебни растения чрез методите на приложната фотоника
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)This thesis aims to apply the methods of photonics as qualitative and semi-quantitative tools for studying the relationship between optical properties and antioxidant effect of extracts and juices of medicinal plants in ... -
Pharmacological Studies of Steroid Hormones, Natural Products and Newly Synthesized 2h-Substituted Hydrasid-Hydrasones in Experimental Models of Epilepsy, Pain and Osteoporosis // Фармакологични проучвания на стероидни хормони, природни продукти и новосинтезирани 2H-субституирани хидразид-хидразони в експериментални модели на епилепсия, болка и остеопороза
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)Epilepsy is one of the most severe neurological conditions. Based on a number of clinical and laboratory studies it is known that steroid hormones have a significant role in epileptogenesis. One of the purposes of this ... -
Some Deontological Considerations Related to Features of Communication with Patients with Acute Intoxication // Някои деонтологични проблеми, свързани с особеностите на комуникацията с пациенти с остри отравяния
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)Deontological problems are common in clinical toxicology. This is a current socially-significant topic because of the large number of acute poisonings. The aim of the dissertation is to examine the deontological considerations ... -
Study of the Effects of Intravenous Lipid Infusion in Acute Intoxications with Some Xenobiotics // Проучване ефектите на интравенозна липидна инфузия при остри интоксикации с някои ксенобиотици
(Medical University of Varna, 2021)We investigate the protective role of intravenous infusion of fat emulsions as an antidote in acute intoxications with some lipophilic xenobiotics, exhibiting neurotoxic effects - drugs and organophosphorus pesticides ...